Here's a great picture of the kiddies. They are my pride and joy. We have a ton of fun together and I love to be with them. When I have my moments of needing time to myself, I go off and all I do is think about them. I'm sure when they are older and have moved out of the house I will miss these times. Hanging on mommy, pulling on my clothes, crying at my feet, begging to be carried around on my back, wanting to play with me, jumping on me when I least expect it.....and all the others times, I'm sure I will miss.
I am trying to enjoy every moment....even like the one today where Ellie asked to take her crackers (cheese-its) into the living room and I told her no, she asked a couple more times and after I said no again she proceeded to throw them on the floor. It took me a little time out, but I enjoyed it.
Jack is 5 months and already scooting ALL over. My whole view of my home has changed. Nothing is safe anymore. I see the changes that need to be made for a crawling/walking baby. Oh, the changes.
Ellie is my little fireball, as you can tell from the earlier story. She knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it. She loves to change her clothes 10 times a day and she loves to eat. She wont eat bread and wont even sit by you if you are eating it, but she loves EVERYTHING else. She is very smart and pays attention to things that are said and done around her. She is quick to understand things that are said and quick to ask questions when she doesn't. She and I are very much alike and a lot of the time it makes me crazy, but I'm getting better at understanding her. I've forgotten that 3 year olds are very strange, still babies, but not really.
Lucy loves school and I think is doing more than I did in the 4th or 5th grade. She is easily thrown off track, (I like to say air-heady, but the other sounds nicer), but is easily put back on track with bribes. She likes to do "quality work" and will spend her time staying in at recess or snack time (I've never missed a snack time in my life, she doesn't get that from me). She had learned how to ride a two-wheeler in 20 minutes , in spite of my yelling and threatening. She is a kind hearted girl and gets more enjoyable as she gets older.
I need to be good to my children. When I am old I don't want them tying me up in the corner and throwing food at me.
Sweet post, Jamie! Your description of each of your children is precious and hillarious. Thanks for the reminder of how wonderful each mommy-hood moment is!
Did you tie up your mom and throw food at her? lol. I'm sure you're an amazing Mama! I wish I could meet your family! It's been sooo long!
Good to here an update from you! You can always tell the life of someone through their kids, or at least what they have to deal with on a daily basis. I am sure you are a good mom! We all have our moments when we yell at our kids, me almost daily, just kidding! I am coming up with my 3rd in a week or two here. I am not sure what I am going to do! I will have my hands full! How do you do it?
So true! I have actually been working on the same thing, trying to appreciate every moment I have. They are getting so big so fast. Your son is adorable! They make a very cute bunch! We will have to talk again soon!
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