Sunday, December 14, 2008

Guessing Time Again....

So what do you think, $20, $30, $100....The possibilities are endless and this time there will be a prize! (Take a guess at what the brown thing is in the bottom right corner.) Two guessing games in are so lucky (or I just really want some comments)!

Living in Hawaii has a few perks and China Town in one of them! Have fun! After 5 guesses I will give a hint (that is if no one guesses correctly).


jenniferhoiyin said...

I'm entering twice, because here's Aaron's guess.


jenniferhoiyin said...

I'll think about my answer and get back to you. I'm not as hasty as he is. He took one look, said his answer and walked to the kitchen...

what a boy.

Katrina said...

Okay, I'm going to guess $18 and fresh ginger on that brown item. I wanna win! :)

Jamie said...

Katrina won with the fresh ginger! You know you are married to an Asian or are one yourself if you know what it is!

Jamie said...

Can't wait to hear your guess Jen...I know you will guess with some cents (get it... some cents).

jenniferhoiyin said...

wait, I didn't read the ginger guessing part, I feel totally ashamed!!! I even pointed it out to Aaron, sheesh.

how embarrassing.

Jamie said...

Jen, I was a little disappointed in you for not guessing ginger, but it makes me feel better knowing you knew! (You still didn't win that part:)

HeatherM said...

Do I win anything for knowing it was ginger even though I not married to an Asian. Last time I was way off so I am going to go the other way & say $9.87!

Jamie said...

Good job Heather in knowing it was ginger! Until I married Julius I had no clue what that was!

Katrina said...

Woo-hoo! :)

Jared and Pansy said...

Hey Jamie, I was checking to see if you already gave it away, but I am still ok on time. I actually have the day off because it snowed in Las Vegas and it stuck enough that they called it a snow day. Weird. I am going to guess...$10.06.

Jamie said...

Only 4 have guessed so I'll wait to give a hint. I will close the guessing Sunday get to guessing (and I really am doing a prize, I have already bought Katrina's prize for guessing the ginger.)

Jamie said...

Okay 5 have guessed and while there is a close call, no one has got it just yet! It's between $11 and $17 dollars! Of course the prize will go to the one that is the closest.

Katrina said...

YEAH! I got my prize in the mail today (yum). Your guessing games are fun, especially when I actually win!!! :)